Idea Factory, Inc.

Patty Meuller and her husband, John, had an idea… a really good idea — to make one of life’s crummy jobs (cleaning your shower) a whole lot easier.  Wallah!  They invented the Rinse Ace Power Sprayer.  That sounds easy, but of course, it’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears to develop into a thriving business. 

From corporate level issues, to negotiating complex licensing agreements with major business partners, Dan became the trusted outside advisor to Patty and John.  Over time, the business gained the attention of prospective buyers.  And therein, lies the struggle for so many business owners…

Where would you even start to find someone to acquire your business?  Especially in a “sometimes frothy” M&A environment, buyers are popping out of the woodwork — somehow, business owners are supposed to navigate the deal process. It can be overwhelming.

That’s precisely the spot where Dan and Mayer Galligan Law shine.

Patty remarked, “The timing was perfect because I was looking for better service from a law firm.  We developed a great working relationship, and Dan helped in developing and negotiating several complex licensing agreements.  When my husband and I decided that it was time to sell our business, Dan helped us in strategizing our exit, getting the business ready to sell, and introducing us to an investment banker to help us find a strategic buyer.”

Mayer Galligan Law, LLC completed everything in the sale of their business — Idea Factory, Inc. 

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Said the former CEO, “I would consider Dan to be a close, trusted advisor, and I highly recommend his legal expertise and service.”


Link to Journal Sentinel article

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